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Holy Subscription Box, Batman!

**Please note I am not affiliated with any links in this post.**

During my quest to discover the geekiest merch possible, I stumbled upon World's Finest: The Collection by CultureFly (they have quite the variety of themed boxes). How could I not order a box that had the "Gotham City Nightlife" theme? For about $60 (that includes shipping), I received some really awesome stuff!

Everyone that knows me understands that I am a huge Batman fan. So I HAD to give this a try. When I saw the spoiler for the Nightwing jacket, I knew I needed it. For those you not familiar with this piece of Bat-lore, Nightwing is Dick Grayson (the first Robin) all grown up. I laughed because the statue is of Damien Wayne as Robin, who is actually my least favorite Robin (there are at least 5). I have a close friend who also dislikes the character and we tend to go off on funny rants about him. That being said, I still like it, and am considering going back and re-reading some comics that include Damien with a more open mind. (For reference, I tend to find Damien to be a little mean, stubborn, and spoiled. I will say, it does create great tension between him and Bruce, but Dick Grayson will always be my favorite!)

The products in this box are timely for the season and the state of the world. Everyone is wearing a mask or a gaiter, and avoiding touching surfaces can be made easier with a safe touch keychain you can sanitize. I can always use an extra bag for lugging my tablet around to read comics and my notebook to work on scripts. I am very excited to use what I have now dubbed the "Batpack."

Despite my positive feedback, I think there was a huge missed opportunity to include themed items for villains such as: the Riddler, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, and Two-Face. The Joker is known as the ultimate Batman baddie in many circles, but with so many villains to choose from, I wish they would have included more of a variety.

If you see a theme you like from World's Finest: The Collection or CultureFly, I highly recommend giving the box a try! I know they post at least 1-2 spoilers for each World's Finest: The Collection box, so you can get an idea of what to expect.

Verdict: 4/5

Review in 1 GIF:

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